PRH are building out an internal site that is all about their readers, what matters to them, how much and what they read, and how best to get them the right book recommendations. They've identified 11 different types of readers (this includes adults and children) and needed a custom illustration representing each personification.
Creative and art direction by Sarah Graves & Brett Robinson
This project is a American Illustration AI42 Chosen Winner, a Creative Quarterly 71 Runner-up and on the ADC 102nd Annual Awards Shortlist

Busy Binge-Reader (left)
Youngest segment, most multi-cultural, and 2nd lightest reading group. Plugged into niche media and spend a lot of time on their devices. Inconsistent with reading habits and most likely to binge read. Most likely to be a trend-setter vs. follower.
Timeless Independent (right)
They are heavy, older readers who find comfort and relaxation in a book. Interested in a wide range of books, not a specific genre and not drawn to what's new/hot or looking for recommendations.

Curious Explorer
They love digging into a variety of topics, have a lot of interests outside of books - use reading to deep dive into topics and expanding knowledge. Listen to audio books, don't want to waste time, productive, disciplined. Moderate readers who use reading to unplug and learn.

Occasional Browser
This is their lightest reading segment - they are average income, busy people that don't read on a regular basis and don't keep many books in their house. When they do read, it's usually non-fiction and an opportunity to learn more about a hobby or personal interest.

Engaged Enthusiast (left)
Sophisticated, affluent, coastal elite. Interested in a wide range of genres and want to be in the know on new releases and authors. Thoughtful and motivated by community connection.
Enthusiastic Advocate (right)
They love reading, are engaged in discussing w/ friends, connecting w/ others through books. Follow book accounts and will spend time researching and/or discovering on social. Invested in connecting w/ characters they can see themselves in, to see how characters react to things.

Buzz Follower
A 35-45 year old, multi-cultural millennial - they follow trends and keep up with pop culture. Not huge readers but may belong to a book club or follow book accounts on social. Eager to discuss and reference what they've read, and are drawn to both fiction and non-fiction

Recommendation Recipient (left)
Not big readers, but open to recommendations from someone they trust. Don't have time to read, need a strong case made, and are more likely to read for personal development.
Passionate Bookworm (right)
Their youngest segment who spends the most time reading. Can be found curled up in the library or bookstore, but not necessarily purchasing the book.

Lifelong Book Lover (left)
Book super-fans who dive into reading to escape. Grew up reading and choose it as a form of entertainment. Read multiple books at once and are always browsing to add to their book list.
Wishful Thinker (right)
They love reading but don't have the time to do it. Books are more likely to be on their vision board than nightstand. Busy w/ extra curriculars, school assigned reading, getting ready for college.

Alternative color combos